Saint Kitts and Nevis is an eastern Caribbean country, southeast of Puerto Rico. The country consists of two islands, with Saint Kitts being the larger of the two. St. Kitts is a growing in popularity as cruise destination but to fully experience the beauty the island has to offer, you should plan to spend at least a few days there.

Saint Kitts is a beautiful and lush island. At the north end lies a chain of 3 dormant volcanoes. The largest is Mt. Liamuiga at about 3700 feet high with a geothermal lake in its crater. The landmass narrows toward the southeast forming a flatter peninsula and a large lake called Great Salt Pond.

Saint Kitts


Saint Kitts is the perfect place to relax and explore at a slower pace. The main highlight of the island is Brimstone Hill Fortress. The fortress is very well-preserved and it is interesting to explore the bastion and quarters. It was designed by British military engineers and construction began in the 1690s. This structure was built on the very steep slopes of the 800-foot high Brimstone Hill. Please note to get to the main portion of the fortress there is a steep slope to walk up. Also, when walking around the fort be careful of the uneven surfaces.

Brimstone Hill Fortress

The view from the fortress is amazing. You can see the islands of Saint Eustatius and Saba to the northwest, while behind you rise the lush volcanic mountains.

View from Brimstone Hill Fortress

I would not recommend self-driving unless you are comfortable driving on the left side of the road. Also, the road up to Brimstone Hill Fortress is very narrow and winding.


The afternoon is the perfect time to relax on the beach with a cocktail or enjoy water sports like paddleboarding, kayaking, or snorkeling. Resorts such as the Park Hyatt St. Kitts provide complimentary water sports activities for their guests.

Relaxing on the beach in Saint Kitts


Sunset is a magical time and it is spectacular to watch the sun dip below the horizon of the Caribbean Sea. We recommend either enjoying cocktails at SALT Plage or going on a sunset cruise. Afterwards, treat yourself to dinner at one of the amazing restaurants. Don’t forget to try conch fritters and spiny lobster!

Sunset on Saint Kitts

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