I’m Laura Carlson, co-founder and Principal Travel Advisor at LBL Travel.

I first worked with a travel advisor for my destination wedding and honeymoon because we didn’t know where to start, there was too much information and we didn’t know what advice to trust. So, we hired a travel advisor that understood our needs and could help create an amazing memorable experience. She provided inspiration, value, knowledge, expertise, trusted advice, saved us time, and gave us peace of mind.  I loved what our travel advisor did for us. She inspired me to become a travel advisor and help other people have memorable experiences.

I trained with my travel advisor for 2 years to learn the industry and became a Virtuoso Certified Travel Advisor. I created LBL Travel to be your personal concierge throughout your trip, whether you love to relax on the beach, look for the big 5 on safari, cruise around the Mediterranean, or just need a short weekend getaway. Turn your travel dreams into reality with a custom itinerary that reflects your unique interests.

By the way, I hope you enjoy the photos on lbltravel.com as they are all original photos from our actual trips. There is no “stock photography” on lbltravel.com!

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