Cuba travel rules have changed since this was originally posted. For the latest information based on the June 5, 2019 rule changes, please read our recent update.

What happened?

Cuba has been a “forbidden” destination for US citizens for decades but it opened up in recent years. Travel to Cuba from the USA is big demand. However, you may have heard recently about new travel restrictions:

“The Department of the Treasury will implement further regulatory changes to restrict non-family travel to Cuba.”

John Bolton, April 17, 2019

It is important to note that nothing actually changed yet as a result of this announcement. The speech by John Bolton only stated the Trump administration’s intent to change the rules but did not make any specific changes (for now).

What does this mean?

Under the strictest interpretation of the announcement, travelers could expect a complete roll-back of the ability for US citizens to visit Cuba for reasons other than family visits. However, it remains to be seen what specific rule changes (if any) will be made and when they will become effective. It is also possible that rule changes may be made but remain short of a complete roll-back.

What should I do?

If you are eager to travel to Cuba, now is the time. With uncertainty in the future around your ability to travel freely to Cuba, we recommend US citizens plan Cuba trips now while you can. Bookings to Cuba are up significantly since the announcement of the coming changes to the travel rules.

We recommend a cruise as the best way to experience all of what Cuba has to offer. Although there are other options, depending on your preferences. Your LBL Travel advisor can help you sort through the choices and deliver you the best possible Cuba experience. Contact us today to start planning!

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